Short Research Report

A cultural historical activity theory (CHAT) analysis of prehospital emergency medical care clinical mentorship to enable learning

N Liebenberg, L Christopher, J Garraway


Background. Clinical mentorship in health sciences education is a nurtured venture where mentees are guided through practice by their more experienced mentors. However, recent research suggests that there are problems with clinical mentorship.

Objective. To explore problems in work-integrated learning within the mentor/mentee relationship.

Methods. The cultural historical activity theory (CHAT) was used to interpret data gathered from diaries and focus group interviews.

Results. Difficulties identified were poor communication between the university and the mentors at clinical platform sites. The unclear roles and responsibilities of mentees and mentors led to a breakdown of trust.

Conclusions. Better university training and development of mentors would aid in the holistic development of mentors and mentees.

Authors' affiliations

N Liebenberg, Lebone College of Emergency Care, Department of Health, Gauteng Provincial Government, Pretoria, South Africa

L Christopher, Department of Emergency Medical Sciences, Faculty of Health and Wellness, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Bellville Campus, Cape Town, South Africa

J Garraway, Fundani Centre for Higher Education, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Bellville Campus, Cape Town, South Africa

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Clinical mentorship; Emergency medical services (EMS)

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African Journal of Health Professions Education 2019;11(4):111-113. DOI:10.7196/AJHPE.2019.v11i4.1138

Article History

Date submitted: 2019-12-12
Date published: 2019-12-12

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